These Are the Different Administration Documents for Foreigners Who Hold KITAP and KITAS

by Brian Dunn
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Jakarta – Not only Indonesian citizens, but foreigners who are living in Indonesia also have the right to hold residence documents if they meet the specified criteria. Then, which foreigners can get their residence documents?

Director of Population Registration David Yama explained that foreigners who have a Permanent Stay Permit Card (KITAP) and a Limited Stay Permit Card (KITAS) can get residence documents.

“Foreigners who hold KITAP or KITAS also get different administrative documents. It depends on the purpose of their stay,” said Yama.

Director Yama explained that foreigners who hold KITAP can get KK (family card) and e-KTP (electronic identity card) or KIA (child identity card). Meanwhile, KITAS holders only get a Residence Certificate (SKTT).

“To get those administrative documents, they must bring KITAP or KITAS and passports. Please come to the Dukcapil (Population and Civil Registration Agency) and follow the instructions of the officers there,” said Yama.

Director General of Dukcapil Zudan Arif Fakrulloh said that holding administrative documents such as an e-KTP is the basis for obtaining other public services such as banking, health, or social services. Such population data collection has great benefits for the government as well.

“By having foreigners registered in the database, the government can administer the foreigners’ activities that are related to the location of their residences, jobs, and public services they receive,” explained Director General Zudan.

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